Abstracts Overview

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The presented paper deals with experimental studies of a bistable shell to identify its basic nonlinear properties and define guidelines for a derivation of a reduced model of the shell. Based on measured time series of free vibrations and resonance characteristics basic parameters of the studied sy...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

The nonlinear dynamics of nanomechanical resonators has drawn great interest for applications in sensing, material characterisation and for uncovering fundamental interactions at the nanoscale. Here, we explore multi-tone excitation as a route towards extracting the full nonlinear reduced order mode...

MS-10 - Micro- and Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems

An experimental nonlinear mass-in-mass meta-cell is fabricated and observed responses under base excitation are compared to analytical predictions. The unit mass-in-mass cell, capable of presenting periodic and non-periodic responses, exhibits vibro-acoustical control. Units are assembled in order t...

MS-04 - Experiments in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control

This paper examines the escape dynamics of a harmonically excited, one-degree-of-freedom (DoF) bistable mechanical system. The study focuses on validating the V-shaped critical force-frequency curve, influenced by concurrent escape mechanisms: the maximum mechanism (MM) and the saddle mechanism (SM)...

MS-04 - Experiments in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control

In this work, we delve into the realm of time-frequency analysis techniques, with a particular emphasis on their application to nonlinear signals commonly encountered in various scientific and engineering domains. These signals, often exhibiting non-stationary and nonlinear characteristics, are cruc...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems

We develop a fast data assimilation method for estimating the state of a dynamical system from its partial time series observations. Our method relies on discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM) and therefore we refer to it as extended DEIM. Extended DEIM uses an auxiliary differential equatio...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

In this study, we develop an optimization procedure for the initial curvature of a mechanical beam that maximizes the inherent amplification of the forced transverse vibrations of the beam due to a nonlinear interaction with driven longitudinal vibrations. We focus on two possible cases, (i) direct ...

MS-12 - Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design

The analysis and control of mixing in fluid flows has numerous applications. We extend a diffusion map approach in trajectory space in order to model the evolution of scalar quantities in a data-based manner. This allows us to study and quantify mixing in closed and open flows. The framework is appl...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

The paper investigates the nonlinear dynamical behavior of a linear oscillator (LO) attached to an unsymmetrical nonlinear energy sink (UNES) using the frequency energy plot (FEP). The UNES considered incorporates a purely cubic stiffness element on one side of the equilibrium position and a linear ...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

Multi-constrained pipes conveying high-speed fluid, such as aircraft hydraulic control lines, operate in harsh vibration environments. In addition, one or more natural frequencies of the pipe system may fall within the frequency band of environmental excitation. As a result, resonance fatigue can oc...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems

The occurrence of dynamic high-amplitude chatter vibrations in high-speed micro-drills used for delicate neural, orthopaedic, and otolaryngology surgical procedures are investigated through experimental modal analysis. Traditional modal analysis techniques are unsuitable for the small geometry of th...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

Vibro-impact absorbers are small devices that consist of a small mass which is freely placed inside a cavity of a vibrating host-structure. During operation it undergoes recurrent impacts with the cavity walls that lead to a strong and nearly irreversible scattering of the mechanical energy within t...

MS-13 - Energy Transfer and Harvesting in Nonlinear Systems

Many theoretical studies on post-critical non-planar motions of a cantilevered pipe conveying fluid have been studied for more than forty years. This system belongs to non-self-adjoint system and reveals self-excited oscillation. Therefore, depending on system parameters, a certain mode can reveal d...

MS-04 - Experiments in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control

Spectral submanifolds (SSMs) have been used to construct low-dimensional reduced-order models (ROMs) for highdimensional mechanical systems. These SSM-based ROMs enable efficient and accurate analysis of nonlinear dynamics of the high-dimensional systems. We show how to perform explicit sensitivity ...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

This paper explores stability and instability in periodic responses within nonlinear dynamic systems under forced vibrations using the Efficient Path Following Method (EPFM). The method, known for its cost efficiency with a 60% reduction in calculations through an updating formula, is analyzed for i...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems

A sensor generates an electrical signal that depends on the physical quantity we aim to measure. The resulting electrical signal is typically minuscule and requires lock-in detection to capture it in a noisy environment. Beyond detecting a signal, achieving the desired sensing performance is an iter...

Understanding how, when, and why extreme events occur is an important problem in many fields (e.g. extreme climate events, rogue ocean waves, materials science, etc.). However, because these events are infrequent and/or severe by nature, it is often necessary to collect a large amount of data to und...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

This paper provides the first quantitative characterization of the tang regime in a bell Plate. It gives insight on the design of these resonators to achieve a large quality factor based on finite-element simulations. Experimental results combining ring-down measurements and frequency responses prov...

MS-01 - Reduced-Order Modeling and System Identification

The experimental demonstration of nonlinear elastic waveforms is often challenging due to the dissipative effects, low compliance of materials and structures, and their lack of nonlinearity, to list a few. This study shows several promising platforms that can overcome such challenges and can success...

MS-18 - Wave propagation in Mechanical Systems and Nonlinear Metamaterials

The objective of this project is to explore the cardinality and algebraic properties of fluid dynamic models using a customized algorithm derived from the Rosenfeld-Gröbner algorithm. This analysis is designed to contrast classical deterministic models with the solutions obtained from an algebraic ...

MS-02 - Asymptotic Methods

In this paper, we experimentally observe, for the first time, the coexistence of two phononic frequency comb (PFC) branches emerging in the excitation-frequency sweeps. The experiments were conducted on an electrostatically actuated curved microbeam exhibiting a 1:2 internal resonance. Through the e...

MS-10 - Micro- and Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems

The aim of the provided research is to study the nonlinear dynamics of a slender hinged-hinged beam subjected to base excitation. The beam is tested under tension or compression load, the later resulting in a post-buckling configuration. The forced change in axial load is executed by shifting one of...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

This research conducts a thorough examination of an innovative mechanical system inspired by recent advancements in metastructures, specifically focusing on Origami-type structures due to their intriguing unique non-linear stiffness. These structures, when appropriately designed, demonstrate Quasi-Z...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems

Frequency-based substructuring is a common and easy-to-apply technique for coupling or decoupling linear systems. If the systems are nonlinear, working in the frequency domain cannot readily be done. Recent works suggest controlling the response amplitude of a subsystem to gain quasi-linear FRFs. Wi...

MS-01 - Reduced-Order Modeling and System Identification

Delay differential equations (DDEs) have been employed to investigate the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. This type of conceptual model typically involves a delayed negative feedback term and a nonautonomous periodic forcing. Despite their simplicity, recent studies have revealed th...

MS-19 - Systems with Time Delay

This study delves into the stability analysis of periodic solutions of dynamical systems, a topic of paramount importance across various engineering disciplines. At the core of such investigations lies the differential equation, serving as the foundational model from which periodic vibrations and th...

MS-15 - Time-periodic systems

This work details a computational model to of a rod to determine the dynamical behavior subject to non-conservative loads. The equilibrium equations and compatibility conditions of space-time continuity along with the constitutive law of a slender rod is derived following the Kirchhoff’s approach ...

MS-11 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems

A novel method is proposed to obtain global solutions of fuzzy optimal control with fixed state terminal conditions and control bounds. The global solution implies that the optimal control solutions are valid for all the initial conditions in a region of the state space. The method makes use of Bell...

MS-14 - Random Dynamical Systems - Recent Advances and New Directions

A human-in-the-loop simulation environment is developed to investigate the guided control of a human driver via an automated lead vehicle. The lead vehicle is following a reference velocity, while it also takes into account the velocity of the following human-driven vehicle. The graphical interface ...

MS-19 - Systems with Time Delay