Abstracts Overview

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This paper presents a novel method for the computation of nonlinear normal modes (NNMs) of nonlinearly damped dynamical systems based on the combination of force appropriation technique and efficient path following method (EPFM) which is a variant of pseudo arc length continuation method. Pseudo arc...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

High-efficiency and high-accuracy manufacturing relies on theoretical foundation of cutting vibration and its control, which plays a key role in intelligent manufacturing. Based on a new model considering both of regenerative and frictional cutting forces, we improved the prediction accuracy of cutt...

MS-19 - Systems with Time Delay

An extension of a collocation based periodic orbit continuation framework developed for piecewise-smooth delay differential equations is presented, to incorporate neutral delayed terms in the problem formulation. Numerical difficulties arising from the consequent disappearance of the natural smoothi...

MS-08 - Non-Smooth Dynamics

We apply control-based continuation (CBC) to a periodically forced active micro-cantilever with integrated sensing and actuation elements. Previous work with an experimental test rig has shown that this micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) is described well by a set of ordinary differential equatio...

MS-15 - Time-periodic systems

A neural network is designed and trained using a supervised learning approach to localize damages on plates. Mindlin's theory is used to derive the plate's equation of motion, and the finite element method is used to discretize it. Damages are simulated by reducing the thickness (or stiffness) of th...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

A significant portion of atmospheric CO2 emissions are absorbed by the ocean, resulting in a decreased pH that is harmful to marine life and ecosystems — a process known as ocean acidification (OA). However, monitoring and forecasting indicators of OA is difficult due to a lack of in-situ measurem...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

Inverted pendulum systems are classical mechanical systems for studying stability and control algorithms. To identify a delayed PD controller of a cart inverted pendulum, an adjoint sensitivity analysis based algorithm is proposed for the control parameters identification. The result shows that the ...

MS-19 - Systems with Time Delay

The dynamic analysis for a Finite Element (FE) model requires careful consideration of all coupled modes, especially when strong dynamic coupling occurs, e.g. internal resonances; however, it is not trivial to identify these modes without a priori knowledge of their existence. In this work, we show ...

MS-01 - Reduced-Order Modeling and System Identification

The post-critical aeroelastic behavior of horizontal, suspended, shallow cables is analyzed via a continuous model. Perturbation methods are directly applied to the Partial Differential Equations (PDE) of motion. They are obtained after the formulation of the aerodynamic model, which takes into acco...

MS-17 - Fluid-Structure Interaction

The nonlinear dynamics of a novel concept of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWT), able to harvest wind energy in deep-harsh sea waters due to its light-structure design, is investigated under regular sea wave excitation by varying wave height and period parameters to evaluate its heave a pitch sy...

MS-12 - Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design

This contribution presents the computational model of the tilting pad journal bearing with a detailed model of elastic contact between the journal and the pads. The lightly loaded upper pads can exhibit self-excited vibration called pad fluttering for several operating conditions. This motion can fu...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems

We investigate the multistable dynamics of a simple model of reed musical instrument written as a system of four ordinary differential equations. A bifurcation analysis is performed considering the blowing pressure – which is the main control parameter for the musician – as a bifurcation paramet...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems

This work investigates platooning systems employing Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) strategies, with the main focus being on controller parameter design for string stability under communication delays. ACC relies on onboard sensors, while CACC augments th...

MS-16 - Control and Synchronization in Nonlinear Systems

Chaotic dynamics occur in rotating shafts mounted on sliding bearings under specific design and operating conditions. Despite the fact that chaos does not definitely prevent the operation of rotating machines, it may result to higher frictional power loss and temperature rise in bearings, compared t...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

We consider the problem of optimizing the interconnection graphs of complex networks to enhance synchronization. In instances where traditional optimization methods prove impractical due to uncertain or unknown node dynamics, we advocate for a data-driven approach that exploits available datasets co...

MS-16 - Control and Synchronization in Nonlinear Systems

Many important statements about dynamical systems can be proved by finding scalar-valued auxiliary functions whose time evolution along trajectories obeys certain pointwise inequalities that imply the desired result. The most familiar of these auxiliary functions is a Lyapunov function to prove stea...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

The paper investigates the use of a multistable shallow von Mises truss as a piezoelectric energy harvester. The authors obtain the exact Lagrangian and apply Hamilton's principle to derive a nonlinear equation of motion that takes into account the piezoelectric coupling. The shallow von Mises truss...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems

Within the nucleus, structural maintenance of chromosome protein complexes, namely condensin and cohesin, create an architecture to facilitate the organization and proper function of the genome. Condensin creates localized clusters of chromatin in the nucleolus through transient crosslinks. Large-sc...

MS-14 - Random Dynamical Systems - Recent Advances and New Directions

In the present work nonlinear vibrations of a circular plate under dynamic and thermal loading are investigated. The model of the plate is based on the geometrically nonlinear Mindlin plate theory. It is accepted that the plate gets elevated temperature instantaneously and it is subjected to harmoni...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

Soft robotics is an attractive and rapidly emerging field, in which actuation is coupled with the elastic response of the robot’s structure to achieve complex deformation patterns. A crucial challenge is the need for multiple control inputs, which adds significant complication to the system. We pr...

MS-07 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Mechanical and Structural Systems

We present a novel return map approach for studying the global dynamics of a vibro-impact (VI) pair, that is, a ball moving in a harmonically forced capsule. Computationally efficient short-time realizations divide the state space according to different dynamics. A small collection of reduced piece-...

MS-08 - Non-Smooth Dynamics

We discuss recent developments of the toolbox MatCont for numerical bifurcation analysis. We have added two ways to define models: importing from SBML and with a pseudospectral approximation. The latter allows for investigating systems with delays and renewal equations. Next, we highlight a new inte...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

In the present work we show experimental frequency-response curves in the near resonant regime of dynamic mode atomic force microscopy that are obtained through a control-based continuation method. In dynamic mode atomic force microscopy a microcantilever is monoharmonically forced in proximity (nan...

The right-hand side in delay differential equations, when considered as an abstract ODE, suffers from a lack of classical continuous differentiability if the delay depends on the state. The right-hand side is only continuously differentiable k times from the space of k+m times continuously different...

MS-03 - Computational Methods

The recent theory of spectral submanifolds (SSMs) has emerged as a general, mathematically rigorous approach to reducing very high dimensional mechanical systems to very low dimensional models. Successful applications of SSM-reduction range from geometrically nonlinear finite-element models in struc...

MS-01 - Reduced-Order Modeling and System Identification

Deep learning algorithms can be employed to monitor and assess the actual conditions of civil and industrial structures before damage can cause detrimental effects on their safety or serviceability. Within this framework, the suitability of deep learning algorithms has been investigated for linear s...

MS-20 - Physics-enhanced machine learning and data-driven nonlinear dynamics

Understanding the mechanisms of instability in upright balance holds significant implications for the rehabilitation and prevention of falls among individuals. Our research delves into postural instability and its underlying mechanisms, achieved by intentionally manipulating neuromuscular feedback u...

MS-11 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems

This research work is centred around coupling nonlinear resonators for bio-inspired acoustic sensing to improve sound processing and thus close the performance gap to human hearing. Critical oscillators tuned near a Hopf bifurcation were shown to model part of the remarkable functionalities of human...

MS-12 - Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design

This work proposes a methodology for simulating the elastoplastic strain behaviors of a steel sheet under the impact of one hammer drop. The intention was to aid in the optimization of the hammer design and material performance for an enhanced steelpan building process. It navigates the complexities...

MS-12 - Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design

A computationally efficient method for nonlinear dynamic analysis of a rotor system with textured journal bearings is presented. The homogenization approach of the bearing undulation applied to the Reynolds equation is coupled with a numerical continuation tool to analyze the dynamic stability of a ...

MS-09 - Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems